miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014


What is the relation between Lucy Hominid and this song?

11 comentarios:

  1. The relation is her name.She recived this name because the archeaologist who find her skeleton were listening <> the previous night to the discovery so she has got this name because of the song.

  2. The Beatles song talks about a girl called Lucy but we talk about a hominid

  3. I think it´s a good song. I searched the internet and the person who discovered Lucy´s body had listened this Beatle´s song the night before the discovery. In the song they talk a lot about thenature didn´t they?

  4. I searched in internet and Lucy is a hominid.The archeaologist Donald Johanson find all her parts and that is why takes that name

  5. Although everybody know this name is about first hominid.This song they believe that it is related with drug LSD, because the main word they are same that Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

  6. The relation between Lucy Hominid and this song is the name because the archeaologist discovered Lucy Hominid listen this song and he likes,he put the name of the song on the hominid

  7. The song is nice but Lucy in the song not similar to real Lucy

  8. Johanson and his team celebrated the discovery of a fairly complete hominid skeleton, they knew it was a girl becuse of the pelvis.That night while they were singing the Beatles' song "Lucy in the sky with diamods" was playing again and again and somebody named her "Lucy"

  9. I think the relation between Lucy Hominid and Lucy of this song it´s the name , because the archeologist dicovered "Lucy Hominid" he likes this song, and he puts this name.

  10. The relation is the name, because when they discovered the hominid skeleton they were listening the son called "Lucy in the sky with diamods".So, they decided to called "Lucy" the skeleton.

  11. The archeaologist who discover the body of the hominid call her "Lucy" because the last night he listen the song of the beatles Lucy
