lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014

And... come on with PREHISTORY!

Here a little video to improve your listening.
Can you understand everything?

12 comentarios:

  1. I like this video because it explain very well the evolution of the humans

  2. I understood most of all they said because they used very simples words

  3. I like this video because is very interesting and it explains very easy the humans' evolution.

  4. I like this video because is very funny and it explains very well the humans' evolution.

  5. This video is very funny, i like how they explain the ages of men.

  6. I like the video because is very interesting and funny. if you put atention you can see te name LUCY this is the name of the first hominid in the world

  7. I think this video explains very good all the prehistory. I like it

  8. This video is atractive, I think that it talks about the human evolution but, it doesn't treat about the Paleolithic and the Neolithic.

  9. I like this video because explain very good the prehistory

  10. I like this video because it is very interesting and easy to understand
    great job thanks

  11. It´s so funny and easy to understand what it means. After seeing it you have clear ideas.

  12. I like this video beacause is very interestin and educative
