sábado, 17 de enero de 2015


Colony: In Ancient Greece, territory occupied and administrated by a group of people from a polis.

Poleis: Small city states with their own governments ruling over certain areas.

Aristocracy: Term of Greek origin meaning "government of the best"; in practice, the word referred to the governing nobles and landowners.

Democracy: Term of Greek origin meaning "government of the people", it was established in Athens.

Oligarchy: Term of Greek origin meaning "government of a little group of people", it was stablished in Sparta.

Agora: Public square in Ancient Greece cities.
Acropolis: It was a religious space on the highest part of the city. The most famous is the Acropolis of Athens.

Mythology: Collection of stories about gods and heroes from the Ancient World.

Temples: Buildings dedicated to the gods, as  the Partenon.

Tombs: Could be very decorative, like the Mausoleum in the city of Halicarnassus.

Theatres: The place where they showed comedies and tragedies.
Stadiums: Places where they held races and fights between athletes.

Hippodrome: Place where there was horse-racing and chariot-racing.
Gymnasiums: Places where they did physical education.

Doric Style: It is the simplest. The column has no base. The shaft is wider at the bottom than at the top and has 20 sides. The capital is smooth.

Ionic Style: The column has base and the capital is decorated with scrolls. The  shaft is taller than the Doric column and has more sides.

Corinthian Style: The column is more decorative than the others. The shaft is thinner than in the Ionic and Doric styles, and has 24 sides. The capital is adorned with acantus leaves.

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kingdom, empire, foreigner, oracle, cornice, capital, shaft, base.