viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014


Civilisation: ideas, sciences, arts, customs, beliefs, etc., that characterise a human group, such as people or nation.
Mesopotamia: historical region in Asia, In Greek the name means "land between two rivers".
Egypt: historical civilisation in Africa, located in a large desert crossed from north to south by the long river Nile.
 Kingdom: territory ruled by a King or Queen.
City state: city and surrounding lands, with its own independent system of political organisation.
Divination: finding out about the future by interpreting signs.
Ziggurats: very high buildings, with tiered towers, connected by stairs. At the top, there was an astronomical observatory.

Dynasty: series of rulers from the same family.

Craftwork: technique of making objects and products by hand, using simple tools and traditional methods.

Polytheist: someone who believes in various gods.

Mummify: prepare dead bodies so that they are preserved and do not decompose.

Sphinx: mythical animal, generally with a human head, neck and chest, but a lion´s body and legs.

Mastabas: type of egyptian tomb, used to bury pharaohs and important public servants. They were built in the form of a flat-topped pyramid and contained an offerings chamber with a statue of the dead.

Pyramids: type of egyptian tomb, formed a labyrinth of romos and passageways, the body was surrounded by treasure. Examples: pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure.

Hypogea: underground tombs carved out the rock, with various passageways leading to the funerary chamber of pharaoh.

Temple: religious egyptian buildings dedicated to the gods, where the priests lived. Example: Temple of Luxor.

Rock Temples: temples carved out of rock. Example: Temple of Abu Simbel.


government, harvest, tax, army, trade, public administration, law, conquer, dykes, canals, scribe, herdsman, astronomy, statue, relief, papyrus, column, fresco, tempera.

miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014